It is believed that Carlos de Espana may have traveled to remaining Spanish forts where trade still existed. Carlos was the consul from Spain to Louisiana where trades were established and or maintained as well as other surrounding areas. By googling you can find these trade posts that were in use in those days.

The Spanish regime in Missouri : a collection of papers and documents relating to upper Louisiana

Source: Original data: The Spanish regime in Missouri : a collection of papers and documents relating to upper Louisiana, principally within the present limits of Missouri during the dominion of Spain, from the Archives of the Indies at Seville, etc.. Vol I. Title page  Vol I. Front matter  Vol I. Contents  Vol I. I: 1767--Ulloa sends an expedition to the (Spanish) Illinois country to establish a fort and settlement and his rules for the government of the same  Vol I. II: Secret instructions of Ulloa to Captain Rui, dated January 7, 1767, relating to the construction of two forts at the mouth of the Missouri, &c.  Vol I. III: Ulloa's instructions to erect forts at the mouth of the Missouri changed by a council of war held at St. Louis, October 2, 1767  Vol I. IV: Ulloa reports disorders at the fort on Missouri to Marquis de Grimaldi, August 4, 1768  Vol I. V: Ulloa removes Captain Rui as commandant of the fort on the Missouri and appoints Don Pedro Piernas as his successor, August 4, 1767  Vol I. VI: Regulations made by Captain Rui to govern the traders on the Missouri, 1769  Vol I. VII: Petition of the merchants of St. Louis to Captain Rui to be allowed to trade on the Missouri, January 15, 1769  Vol I. VIII: Certificate of the manner in which Captain Rui discharged his duties as commandant on the Missouri, by St. Ange, March 2, 1769  Vol I. IX: Plan of the Fort "El Principe de Asturias, Senor Don Carlos."  Vol I. X: Rui's report of the soldiers, workmen, and sailors at the Fort Don Carlos, March 10, 1769  Vol I. XI: Report of the various Indian tribes receiving presents in the district of Ylinoa or Illinois, 1769  Vol I. XII: Instructions for holding council with the Indians  Vol I. XIII: Delivery of the fort of el Principe de Asturias, Senor Don Carlos, and the blockhouse Don Carlos Tercero el Rey, March 10, 1769  Vol I. XIV: First Spanish detailed statistical report of St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve--Dated 1772  Vol I. XV: Census of Piernas for 1773  Vol I. XVI: Report of Captain Don Francisco Rui to his excellency Conde de O'Reilly concerning the settlements of Ylinois, and the manner and custom of giving presents to and receiving the Indians  Vol I. XVII: Report of Don Pedro Piernas to Gov. O'Reilly, describing the Spanish Illinois country, dated October 31, 1769  Vol I. XVIII: General instructions of O'Reilly to the lieutenant-governor of the villages of St. Louis, San Genevieve, etc., dated February 17, 1770  Vol I. XIX: Second Spanish detailed statistical report of products of St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve for 1773 dated January 1, 1774  Vol I. XX: Third Spanish detailed statistical report of the products of St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve, for 1774  Vol I. XXI: Fourth Spanish detailed statistical report of the products of St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve for 1775  Vol I. XXII: Office of lieutenant-governor for St. Louis, Ste. Genevieve, the district of Missouri and the Ylinnesses established by O'Reilly in 1770 and his order approved by Royal Cedula in 1772  Vol I. XXIII: Appointment of Piernas confirmed and salary of lieutenant-governor fixed and his jurisdiction defined, August, 1772  Vol I. XXIV: Religious condition of Louisiana, 1772  Vol I. XXV: The habitants of Ste. Genevieve remonstrate against the innovation of Tithes by Father Hilaire--His complaints  Vol I. XXVI: Inventory of papers and other effects delivered by Piernas to his successor, Don Francisco Cruzat, May 19, 1775  Vol I. XXVII: Application of Piernas for appointment as lieutenant-colonel--Detailing his military and other services--Dated August, 1775, and his appointment dated May 1, 1776  Vol I. XXVIII: Letter of Cruzat to Galvez explaining why he sent a messenger to the Sac and Renard Indians in the English Illinois district, dated November 26, 1777  Vol I. XXIX: Report of Indian traders given passports by Don Francisco Cruzat, dated November 28, 1777  Vol I. XXX: Report of the Indian tribes who receive presents at St. Louis, dated November 15, 1777  Vol I. XXXI: Letter in regard to trade with the Big Osages, dated December 6, 1777  Vol I. XXXII: Immigration to upper Louisiana to be encouraged--1777, 1778  Vol I. XXXIII: The cultivation of hemp and flax to be encouraged by providing settlers with negro slaves, 1778  Vol I. XXXIV: De Leyba arrives in St. Louis, July, 11, 1778  Vol I. XXXV: Trouble with the Big Osages  Vol I. XXXVI: Uselessness of fort San Carlos and suggertion to establish a fort at the mouth of the Des Moines disapproved--Letter dated January 13, 1779  Vol I. XXXVII: Attack on St. Louis--Report of the intendant Navarro to the Senor Don Joseph de Galvez, dated August 18, 1780--De Leyba and others promoted  Vol I. XXXVIII: Cruzat reappointed--His instructions--Letter to Cartabona--Commendation of Vasquez, etc.  Vol I. XXXIX: Letters of Cruzat to Galvez, dated December, 1780, relating to English intrigues, etc.  Vol I. XL: Roster of St. Louis militia companies in 1780  Vol I. XLI: Letter of intendant Navarro to Cruzat, February 15, 1781  Vol I. XLII: Letter of Don Jose de Galvez, minister of the Indies--1782  Vol I. XLIII: Letter of Governor Miro to Don Joseph Galvez--1782  Vol I. XLIV: Robberies on the Mississippi--Madame Cruzat captured--Her account--1782  Vol I. XLV: Report of Gov. Miro to Conde de Galvez of the great overflow of the Mississippi in 1885 in upper Louisiana  Vol I. XLVI: Navigation of the Mississippi not free--1784  Vol I. XLVII: Instructions to Peyroux, commandant of the port of Ste. Genevieve, and defining his powers and jurisdiction--1787  Vol I. XLVIII: Local ordinances for St. Louis and general ordinances published by lieutenant-governor Don Francisco Cruzat from October 7, 1780 to November 24, 1787  Vol I. XLIX: Report of Gov. Miro to the Marquis Sonora of outrages perpetrated by the Osage Indians  Vol I. L: Inventory of papers, instructions, etc., delivered to Don Manuel Perez by Lieutenant Governor Cruzat in 1787  Vol I. LI: Effects delivered to Don Manuel Perez by Lieutenant Governor Cruzat in 1787  Vol I. LII: Fortifications of St. Louis--Report of Lieut.-Gov. Perez, dated 1788  Vol I. LIII: Protest of Governor Miro against grant to Col. George Morgan--Dated 1789  Vol I. LIV: Letter of Colonel George Morgan to Don Diego de Gardoqui--1789  Vol I. LV: Appointment of Pedro Foucher as commandant of New Madrid in 1789  Vol I. LVI: Report of Lieut. Gov. Perez of the visit of Col. George Morgan, etc.  Vol I. LVII: Letter of Miro to Manuel Gayoso de Lemos, enclosing a letter from Lieut.-Gov. Perez in regard to attack made on Indians by Americans in 1789  Vol I. LVIII: Some persons who took the oath of allegiance at New Madrid from 1789 to 1796  Vol I. LIX: Report of Trudeau, 1791--and census for 1794-5  Vol I. LX: New settlers of New Madrid--1791  Vol I. LXI: Forts on the Des Moines and Iowa rivers--1792  Vol I. LXII: Some oaths of allegiance taken at New Madrid from 1793 to 1795  Vol I. LXIII: Fortifications of St. Louis--1793  Vol I. LXIV: Vial's journal--1793  Vol I. LXV: Letter of Barthelemi Tardiveau to Count Aranda proposing to establish a great French colony in upper Louisiana  Vol I. LXVI: The services of Perez  Vol I. LXVII: The erection of flour-mills at New Madrid and Ste. Genevieve promoted--Contract in regard to same, etc.--1793-1797  Vol I. LXVIII: Forts on the Mississippi below New Madrid--1793  Vol I. LXIX: Letter of Carondelet in regard to formation of American settlement on Mississippi below New Madrid--1793  Vol II. Title page  Vol II. Front matter  Vol II. Contents  Vol II. LXX: The exclusive trade among the Ponkas granted to Munier--1793  Vol II. LXXI: The arrest of Mitchel--1793  Vol II. LXXII: Extracts from a report of Carondelet as to the situation and military condition of Louisiana--And how the province can be protected and defended--1793  Vol II. LXXIII: Carondelet reports on danger of an American settlement at the Ecores a Margot--1793  Vol II. LXXIV: Letter of Carondelet to Robertson--Danger of furnishing Indians cannon--1793  Vol II. LXXV: Threatened invasion of Louisiana by Americans, inspired by French agents under Gen. George Rogers Clark--1794  Vol II. LXXVI: Miro appoints Don Benito Vasquez captain of militia--1784  Vol II. LXXVII: Officers of the militia of St. Charles and Florissant--1793  Vol II. LXXVIII: Commissions issued to militia officers of Spanish New Madrid--1792--1795--1797  Vol II. LXXIX: Officers of the Ste. Genevieve militia appointed by Carondelet--1794  Vol II. LXXX: Official letters to Louis Lorimier, 1787-1793  Vol II. LXXXI: Journal of Lorimier during the threatened Genet invasion of Louisiana--1793-1795  Vol II. LXXXII: A fort among the troublesome Osages--1795  Vol II. LXXXIII: New settlement at Las Barrancas a Margot and relation with the Chicksaw Indians--1795  Vol II. LXXXIV: Rumors as to Las Barrancas de Margot--1795  Vol II. LXXXV: Don Carlos Howard appointed military commandant of upper Louisiana--1796  Vol II. LXXXVI: Expedition under Don Carlos Howard to upper Louisiana--1796  Vol II. LXXXVII: Plan to defend St. Louis--The marking of the boundary line between the Spanish Floridas and United States exasperates Indians--1796  Vol II. LXXXVIII: General census of 1796  Vol II. LXXXIX: Scheme to found a state on the Mississippi North of the Missouri  Vol II. XC: The Spanish commercial exploration company--Organized by St. Louis merchants--1794  Vol II. XCI: Instructions given by Clamorgan and Riehle approved by Lieutenant-Governor Zenon Trudeau to Jean Baptiste Truteau in command of the first expedition of the company  Vol II. XCII: Clamorgan's report of the operations of the commercial company.--1795  Vol II. LXXXIV: Additional powers granted the commercial company--1796  Vol II. XCIV: Mackay's journal of a voyage up the Missouri toward the South Sea, 1794  Vol II. XCV: Memorial of the merchants of St. Louis to revoke the monopoly of the commercial company and reply to same  Vol II. XCVI: Accounts of Don Pedro Foucher as commandant of New Madrid, for constriction of Fort Celeste  Vol II. XCVII: The Senior Colonel Don Carlos Howard, 1797  Vol II. XCVIII: Episcopal report for 1797  Vol II. XCIX: Church at St. Louis--1798  Vol II. C: Threatened attack by the English on St. Louis and upper Louisiana--Plans for defense--1797  Vol II. CI: Petition of Don Carlos Delassus asking transfer to the Louisiana regiment, 1794--And for promotion, 1797  Vol I. CII: Mackay appointed commandant of San Andres  Vol II. CIII: Trudeau's report concerning the settlements of the Spanish Illinois country--1798  Vol II. CIV: Suspected danger of an attack on St. Louis and New Madrid--1798  Vol II. CV: Inventory of the civil archives of St. Louis--1799  Vol II. CVI: List of documents delivered to De Lassus by Trudeau, report of experts of condition of forts at St. Louis, and inventory of same--1799  Vol II. CVII: Inventory of the civil and military archives of New Madrid--1799  Vol II. CVIII: Instructions to Don Robert McCoy of New Madrid--1799  Vol II. CIX: Fear of English invasion of upper Louisiana and American invasion of lower Louisiana--1800  Vol II. CX: Patriotic donations and loans made by the residents of upper Louisiana to aid Spain in the War--1799  Vol II. CXI: Great council between De Lassus and the Osages--1800  Vol II. CXII: Presents to the Osage Indians  Vol II. CXIII: Boundary between the New Madrid and Cape Girardeau districts  Vol II. CXIV: Expedition to New Madrid to punish Maskous--1803  Vol II. CXV: The services and merits of Don Louis Lorimier--1803  Vol II. CXVI: The services of Don Pedro Rousseau, commandant of galleys on the Mississippi  Vol II. CXVII: The services of Don Antonio Soulard  Vol II. CXVIII: Transfer of New Madrid--1804  Vol II. CXIX: Report of the valuation of royal buildings in New Madrid, Campo de la Esperanza and Arkansas &c.  Vol II. CXX: Artillery, supplies, furniture, and flatboats of upper Louisiana delivered to the Spanish authorities at New Orleans--1805  Vol II. CXXI: The boundary of Louisiana on the upper Missouri and Mississippi under the cession  Vol II. CXXII: Statistical census of St. Genevieve and its districts and its products  Vol II. CXXIII: Statistical census and products of St. Louis and its districts, 1791  Vol II. CXXIV: Inhabitants from the Maramec down to Platin Creek  Vol II. CXXV: Statistical census of San Carlos del Misury and products  Vol II. CXXVI: Statistical census of New Madrid of 1797  Vol II. CXXVII: Statistical census of the district of Cape Girardeau  Vol II. Index  Vol II. General census of 1800 of upper Louisiana. Chicago, Ill.: R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co., 1909.

Boonesfield Village has acquired another treature: a newly discovered small Spanish Fort built in 1793. It is now located across the highway from the Boone Home. The following article is courtesy of the St. Louis Post Dispatch and St. Louis Today.

Fort built in 1793 will now guard area's past
By Valerie Schremp Hahn
Sunday, Mar. 12 2006
An 18th-century stone fort discovered in St. Charles and rebuilt in Defiance could be one of the biggest historical finds in Missouri in the last 50 years, experts say, but until recently, almost no one knew it existed."Does it make a lot of noise, and is it flashy?" asks C.W. Stewart, director of the Daniel Boone Home and Boonesfield Village in Defiance. "No, but it's a real
find. How many 1793 buildings are we going to find that weren't known?"For more than 200 years, the fort sat on property off what is now Muegge Road, where Fischer & Frichtel is building Spring Mill, a development of luxury homes that start at about $500,000.In 2004, as developers cleared farmland on the site, they discovered that the barn had a unique interior. The barn was wood on the outside, but on the inside, four thick stone walls held up its second floor. The stone walls formed
a room on the barn's first floor, which was probably once used as a livestock crib.Word about the building spread to officials at Lindenwood University ,which runs Boonesfield, and the developer asked if they wanted it. At first, Stewart shrugged off the offer - "I need another building like I need another hole in my head," he said - but he figured he'd use the stone for sidewalks or fireplaces.The developer then told Stewart: "It's got the neatest little gunports in the
walls."Stewart knew that anything with gunports had to be built before 1815, when the
government and Indian tribes signed a peace treaty."I'll be right over," he said.Stewart, historian Ken Kamper and archaeologist Steve Dasovich didn't even know what they had until they did a little digging - literally. They found records
from September 1792, when Lt. Gov. Zenon Trudeau wrote a letter to his boss, Baron de Carondelet, the governor of what at the time was known as Spanish Louisiana and included what is now Missouri. Trudeau reported that Iowa Indians
had stolen 38 horses from the village of San Carlos, now known as St. Charles. The horses were the only ones the villagers had to work the land, and there was a bad wheat harvest that year as well.Subsequent letters showed that life got better in San Carlos. In July 1793, the Indians gave the villagers 37 horses and paid for the other one.Because all the horses were stolen at once, they were probably being kept in a common pasture for the village - probably what was known as the old common fields, the researchers figure. They studied old maps and, sure enough, the fort stood in the center of the common fields. Stewart said the villagers most likely built it to protect their horses from being stolen again. Because the horses were returned relatively quickly, the villagers probably never had to use it.

"The reason that we found it and the reason why it exists is because it was unimportant," Stewart said. "It was never used. The only useful thing it did was hold up a barn."Kamper notes that the Spanish forts that once protected St. Charles and St.
Louis are gone, as well as any evidence of the first settlers in the 1700s."Ste. Genevieve still has a lot of the early, pre-American buildings there, but this probably is the only record of a Spanish fort that still exists west of
the Mississippi River, so that makes it a major thing," he said.Dasovich conducted an archeological study of the grounds around the fort and didn't find anything significant, which would back up the theory that the fort was never used for its intended function.The researchers did learn through tree ring dating that the barn dates to 1852, probably built on the stone walls by the Blase family, who later farmed the land. The farm was turned over to the Holtgraewe family, and the land was
eventually sold to the developer. Family names belonging to the Holtgraewes make up Spring Mill's street names - Otto Court, Robert John's Way, Dorothy Ann Court.In August 2004, after Lindenwood workers took several pictures of the fort and
made mechanical drawings, they splashed eight different colors of paint on each interior and exterior wall. They knocked down the walls and hauled truckloads of stone to Boonesfield Village .The stone sat in piles until last summer, when stonemasons used the drawings, pictures and paint colors to rebuild the walls. Lindenwood paid
about $30,000 to move and rebuild the fort.The building is about 24 by 32 feet and its walls are about 18 inches thick. It
has a main entrance, and each wall has two gunports - openings wider on the inside and narrower on the outside. Although each stone isn't back in the exact spot it was originally, the stones fit together surprisingly well, and the
building looks solid and, well, fortress-like.The fort's roof is now being thatched with river cane, a type of bamboo, and
the fort should be open to the public early next month .Eventually, workers will scrub away whatever paint is left showing on the rocks. Because the fort sits on a hillside, benches may be installed for people to watch presentations about the fort and the area's early Spanish history.Everyone involved with preserving the fort agrees: The county's lucky to have
it, even though it took more than 200 years to find."It would have been a shame for this to have wound up in a sidewalk," Stewart said.

vschremp@post-dispatch.com 636-255-7211

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and Weston, Missouri

French interest in the Missouri-Kansas region continued following the explorations of de Bourgmont in the early 1700s. In 1744 a fort was chartered and established on the west bank of the Missouri River just north of present-day Fort Leavenworth. Known as Fort de Cavagnial (or Fort des Canses), this post was established to tap the lucrative fur trade and to form a base for exploration to the southwest all the way to Santa Fe (in Spanish America). The fort became the center of France's economic and military activities in mid-America (Hoffhaus 1984). It remained in service until 1764, when France evacuated all forts in the upper Louisiana region--see historical marker.
On July 2nd, the Corps of Discovery camped opposite an old Kansa village, just above Kickapoo Island, north of present-day Fort Leavenworth. Lewis and Clark had heard of Fort de Cavagnial and decided to take a look. About a mile inland from the old Indian village, they found signs of the fort, including remains of chimneys and a spring which supplied fresh water to the fort (Hoffhaus 1984). Alas, the whereabouts of Fort de Cavagnial were subsequently lost, and the fort's remains cannot be located today, in spite of much searching. A short distance upriver and across the valley from Fort Leavenworth is Weston, Missouri. Weston was founded in 1837 and became a thriving riverport town with a population of 5000 by the mid-19th century (Fanselow 1994). A flood caused the Missouri River to relocate in the late 1800s, which led to a serious economic decline. Lewis and Clark sampled the water from limestone springs at Weston, and the springs later became an important stop for wagon trains. The spring water was perfect for making whisky, and in 1856 Benjamin J. Holladay openned a distillery, which is still in business as the McCormick Distilling Company. The modern Missouri River is quite different in character compared to its pre-control ancestor navigated by Lewis and Clark. The historical maps indicate a river channel that was broad, shallow, and clogged with many ephemeral sand bars. In addition, the uncontrolled river had many diverging side channels, sloughs, and marshy tributaries. The old Missouri River was subject to annual floods from spring runoff in the Great Plains and snow melt in the Rocky Mountains. The DOQ shows a river of completely different character today. Weston, Missouri is now landlocked, and Kickapoo Island is joined to the bottomland on the Missouri side of the river. The modern Missouri River has been "tamed" by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with upstream reservoirs, levees, dredging, and other techniques. Barge traffic and flood control are primary objectives of river management. The net result is a narrower, deeper, single channel that has been straightened or shortened in many places. The Corps strategy seemed to work well until the summer of 1993, when continuous rain and runoff overwhelmed all flood-control structures on the lower Missouri. The valley was completely innundated at Fort Leavenworth. This event has caused the Corps to rethink its approach for future river management.